Amy and Jason Patrick welcome you to their Family Blog!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

1/2 year old Today!

I have been here on Earth for 1/2 of a year now! It has been a great journey so far! I had my 6 month pictures today @ portraits by Jenn, That was Fun!
I also want to tell you all about my accomplishments over the past 6 months. I can ride 3 miles in a stroller, I can swing in a "Big Boy" swing, I eat real "Baby"food (Finally!), I only have to eat 4 times a day, better than the 8-9 times when I was a little boy, I love jumping in my jumperoo, pulling daddy's beard, performing "toe hold", getting kisses from mommy, I can almost sit up on my own, I am trying really hard to crawl, and all this makes me very tired so I sleep 11 hours at night! Mommy and Daddy are very happy!
*P.S. see that blue thing I am sucking on in the picture, that is Honeydew melon in there and.... I LIKE IT!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Having Fun!

I know, I am growing up too fast! But......Mommy and Daddy bought me a "Big Boy" swing for outside! Check me out, I even waved to daddy when he pushed me! The second picture is of me and Daddy outside of the Fredericksburg Pie Co. Mommy and Daddy had a piece of pie and they did not share with me, that's o.k. I got to play a little in the grass outside! I can't wait till I get my new house so I can play in my own grass! Stay tuned to the "Patrick Place" and my mommy and daddy will keep you updated on the building progress!

The Weekend @ Yay Yay's!

I spent the weekend at my aunts house! Boy was it fun. I got to swim in the pool and this time it felt Grrreat! My mommy and daddy were there too, but I really only wanted to spend time with my crazy aunt Yay Yay! She is so funny, she makes me laugh when she gets me on my tummy, feet, cheeks.......well, I guess everywhere! I love my Yay Yay!!