Amy and Jason Patrick welcome you to their Family Blog!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I am officially MOBILE

Here are a few of my updated photos. As you can see Mommy and Daddy make me look styling when I go to daycare. The second photo, well you can imagine what I was thinking. Oh yeah, I can now move around and get into everything! Life Is GOOD! The Cat doesn't stand a chance!

The inside: Progress Report

As you can see the sheetrock is up and in the process of being taped and floated. We should have paint on the walls by the middle of next week and then cabinets, trim, flooring, etc. Obviously we will not be in by Christmas but ......we will get in shortly after. The outside is complete, except the driveway and landscaping. They are really moving now. We are so excited, it is really starting to look like our new home!